During CoronaVirus Outbreak: Is it Safe to Use Private Taxi Services in 2020? All of us needs to commute to our destinations during the coronavirus pandemic. And what can those who need to commute to do to mitigate the risk? These are some of the most concerning points every one of us is worrying about.
Here is everything, you need to know….

Now, India is approaching towards the end of its third lockdown. And, initiating another phase of lockdown (Lockdown 4.0) with specific restrictions; every one of us must found ourselves haven’t been on roads since the end of March 2020. Besides, we must be concern about our safety while traveling on roads. And, must be asking ourselves – in this Corona Outbreak various questions. But, the biggest question of the hour – Is it safe to use private taxi services in 2020 over public transport?
Besides, Using private taxi services by IXC Travels is always the safest way to travel. Hence, always choose private taxi services by IXC Travels during this coronavirus outbreak to stay safe while traveling.

However, many of us belong to the sector of essential services, traveling during this pandemic is their part of life. Photos shared on social media serving each and every area of the state, city, and sector. The images are with essential services by the administration to prevent further the spread of Covid-19. However, this is surely a commendable job.
During the Coronavirus Outbreak, It is Safe to Use Private Taxi Services than Public Transport

Without any doubt, we all are taking good precautions to prevent the spread of virus. But still there is a risk to get the virus will get transmit while traveling. And, the risk even increases to doubles when we are using public transport to commute. As every passenger (unknown passenger) is much closer to each other i.e. lesser than 2m of distance. Due to this, social distancing can’t be maintained. Hence, the chances of spreading the virus increases.
Use of Private Taxi Services Vs Public Transport

It is up to all of us to act responsibly, and only take private taxi services to transport. “With public transport, we usually refer to confined and particularly crowded environments (such as stations, train carriages, buses, etc.) where close contact between infected and healthy individuals is probable because of the high density of passengers. Also, there is the possibility of touching potentially get contaminate objects such as handles and seats” – Dr Gosce tells in an article published.

Choose genuine Private Taxi Operator to Commute

Traveling by private taxi operator means, you are reducing your touchpoint with other unknown individuals almost to zero during the entire journey. Although using the private taxi to commute is the safest option to opt during this pandemic, experts are saying, still, you need to check the authenticity and reliability of the tour operator and cab.
Choose Private Taxis over Public Taxis

Moreover, you need to ensure the cab operator must have Driver’s traveling pass, the customer must have traveling e-pass (Lockdown Pass) to travel interstate. Most of the public taxi operators practically are not taking care of all such parameters. The drivers of public taxis are not well mannered, will not guarantee to follow all safety parameters. The passenger is changing their cab every hour, and the drivers will not be bothering in cleaning all touchpoints of the cabs i.e. Handle, AC Vents, Seat covers, Seat Belts.
Therefore, its quite important to ensure that the cab must be a genuine, authentic, reliable, and safe taxi operator. The cab should be completely sanitize and clean before you start your journey.

Private Taxis Services by IXC Travels are much safer being clean and Sanitise after every trip

IXC Travels are serving with all safety measures. IXC Travels introducing Private Taxi Services with fully Sanitized Cabs to enhance every traveler’s protection while traveling during the ongoing Pandemic_Covid19. We are following public health guidelines and wiping down all touchpoints everywhere. We have assigned a dedicated person to patrol every car armed with a Sanitizer (with hospital-grade quality), Towels, Gloves & Face Masks.

IXC Travels Safe & Authentic Private Taxi Operator
Our cabs are completely sanitizing for travelers’ safety. Moreover, all drivers are adhering with complete health parameters – Wearing Face masks, Hand Gloves, Keep Sanitizers in Cabs, Maintaining Social Distancing. Every touchpoint in the taxi is completely sanitizing with hospital grade sanitizer i.e. Cab Handle, AC Vents, Seat Covers, Seat Belts.

In nutshell, we must say washing and sanitizing your hands before and after the journey is a must recommend. Re-think your decision while traveling via public transport during this pandemic and also ensure to hire an authentic, reliable, and safe taxi operator. IXC Travels is a safe and authentic cab rental company. Hence, Hire cabs from IXC Travels to travel to any location of North India – Punjab, Himachal, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan. #StaySafe #StayHealthy
Wonderful article. A good sence change thoughts. Gratitude 🥂 IXC Travels
Excellent car hire service. Car was on time, clean , properly sanitized and in good condition.fantastic experience dealing with u guys.Happy to recommend your services.